Case Studies

Designed and facilitated strategy workshop for Spin Master to diversify sales channels and develop DTC marketing capabilities in-house
Secret Smash by Kinetic Sand logo.
Part and Sum - Innovation Strategy Sprints
Secret Smash by Kinetic Sand. Mobile e-commerce strategy
Kinetic Sand - Product Innovation Strategy.
Kinetic Sand - product innovation and product developmken
For Cengage Unlimited, Part and Sum worked with the team to create a more customer-first approach to email marketing and landing pages
A workshop for Cengage Unlimited
Cengage Unlimited customer-centric emails

Case Studies

Case study: Apiece Apart - Designed and facilitated quarterly growth strategy workshops.
Apiece Apart's website
Apiece Apart's website
Apiece Apart's mobile website
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Case study: Pink Chicken - Designing Growth Strategy.
Part and Sum facilitated quarterly growth strategy sprint with the goal of growing their DTC business.
Part and Sum facilitated quarterly growth strategy sprint with the goal of growing their DTC business.
Part and Sum facilitated quarterly growth strategy sprint with the goal of growing their DTC business.